Tahini and pekmez are very popular foods in Turkey. They can be found in all grocery stores. I bought a set in the Migros chain store, which includes both tahini and pekmez at once. They are packed in small plastic canisters that are more convenient to transport by plane. The cost of such a set is 22 Turkish lira (approximately $ 2.8).

These two products can be used separately or mixed with each other.

You can also find ready-made mixtures of tahini and pekmez in stores. There are those in which they also add grated hazelnuts. I especially like these pastes because they are sugar-free. The sweetness is present thanks to the healthy pekmez.

Tahini (Tahin)
Tahini is a grated sesame seed. This is a completely natural mono-product. Most often in Turkey it is sold in glass jars with a volume of 600-800 grams. But you can also find it in plastic containers. Before use, you need to gently stir the tahini, since during its storage the paste is stratified and the oil is separated from the total mass.

Tahini, either alone or mixed with pecmez or honey, goes well with pancakes and baked goods. I even like to add this kind of mixture to ice cream. Also, tahini is an essential ingredient in hummus. It is also added to various sauces and salad dressings. This is how I add tahini to my homemade shawarma sauce https://takajaeda.com/en/recipes-en/homemade-shawarma-with-chicken/
Pekmez (Pekmezi)
Pekmez is a thickened concentrated juice (molasses) made from fruits, berries and even vegetables. It can be called a natural and healthy sweetener. According to my observations, in stores, the most common pekmez made from grapes and carob. Mulberry pekmez is also sold.

My set included grape pekmez. In appearance, it resembles a not very thick dark syrup. It is quite sweet with a slight aftertaste like burnt grapes.
I also bought carob pekmez from the famous Turkish brand Koska. Cost per jar 310 gr. only 15 liras ($ 1.8). It is thicker than grape pecmez.

Pekmez can be eaten with a variety of foods. I like to add it to cottage cheese and Greek yogurt. Pour pancakes and ice cream on them. You can also add pekmez to your tea.